Helping Those Fighting Cancer to Swallow Their Medicines

Helping Those Fighting Cancer to Swallow Their Medicines

With her body pumped full of chemo and skin burned from radiation, my mother was always the stoic and didn’t complain. I watched as she tried to be strong and take the pills needed to ease the pain and ward off infection, but she just couldn’t swallow them. It would take several tries to get them down and the look of pain on her face was excruciating. I would’ve given anything to help ease that pain, even just a little of it. 

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COVID-19 … It’s a Bitter Pill to Swallow

COVID-19 … It’s a Bitter Pill to Swallow

Oh, such a bitter pill and oh, so hard to swallow.

Back in late November, I went to Miami on a work trip. Not long after I returned, I felt awful. I was so very exhausted, I had a splitting headache, I was weak with no energy, and I was having a terrible time breathing. I had no idea what was wrong. I couldn’t remember another time when I had felt that badly. 

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The Side Effect of a Recently Diagnosed Disease Had Me Choking on my New Medications

The Side Effect of a Recently Diagnosed Disease Had Me Choking on my New Medications

A recent diagnosis completely changed the way I live my life … and the side effects changed how I take my new medications. 

This is my story, and while I don’t want to use my name, I do want to share how life changed for me and how I adapted. I only hope my story helps you.

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Let the Panic Attack Begin … She’s Just Trying to Take Her Medicine

Let the Panic Attack Begin … She’s Just Trying to Take Her Medicine

I watched as my friend, who is 45 years old, covered her mouth and ran out of the kitchen. I thought, “Oh no, what did she eat that is making her sick?” Turns out she didn’t eat anything, she was instead having what amounted to almost a panic attack as she tried to take a pill.