Amazing new product...
that will revolutionize...
the way you take medications

Comes in three great flavors

Citrus Flavor

Buy 3 Get 1 Free

Citrus Flavor

Cola Flavor

Buy 3 Get 1 Free

Cola Flavor

Strawberry Flavor

Buy 3 Get 1 Free

Strawberry Flavor


MEDCOAT® makes your pills easier to swallow. MEDCOAT® is an amazing new product that will revolutionize the way we take medications. MEDCOAT® covers pills and capsules with a coating camouflaging the bad taste. It's sugar, soy, and gluten free. The special coating applicator is easy to use and can work on any size shaped pill or capsule...

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User Instruction

  • Peel off the foil from both the top and bottom side.

  • Push the tablet through the opening (yellow area) on the top side. See figure 6 for round or divided tablets.

  • Keep pushing until the whole tablet Is coated. Thereafter wait for five seconds.

  • Twist the tablet two turns without pulling.

  • Remove the tablet by pulling It quickly. Swallow the coated tablet with water.

  • The figure above shows how to push through different types of whole and divided tablets.



I have gotten a chance to try 2 of the 3 medcoat flavors (strawberry and lemon lime) but plan to try cola sometime in the next week or so. Both have worked GREAT but I like strawberry the best. Both of them have a pleasant

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J. Coleman

BEST THING EVER!! I can’t say enough about this pill coating. I was prescribed heavy duty antibiotics and they were very large and non coated. I had such a horrible time taking them. They would constantly get stuck

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MEDCOAT Customer

Our daughter hates taking liquid medications and even chewables since she hates the taste and they always make her gag. It has always been a nightmare to get her to take anything and we often have to resort to suppositories. When she turned four we taught her to swallow pills, and

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MEDCOAT Customer

MEDCOAT has truly helped with the daily struggle of taking my medicines. It helps them not get stuck in my throat and also covers up that chalky taste some pills have with a light flavor! Personally, I love the cola flavor!

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MEDCOAT Customer

MEDCOAT was recommended to me by my speech pathologist. After extensive radiation therapy to my neck I have dysphagia and great difficulty swallowing large tablets. MEDCOAT helps significantly, making the tablets slippery enough to go down successfully. I previously had tablets

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MEDCOAT Customer

I take a couple of uncoated pills that are small and bitter, and that always get stuck in my throat dissolving before I can get them down. It was so dreadful that I would delay (or entirely skip) taking my medications. Searching for ANY kind of solution, I discovered MEDCOAT, and requested

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S.C., Age 76

I chanced upon MEDCOAT’s Facebook ad at a time when I’d resigned myself to a recent inability to easily swallow the 4-5 large curcumin capsules a day that I need to take to battle inflammation and support my brain health. My recently diagnosed silent reflux has caused my vocal cords

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Dr. B

We received the shipment and my mom was able to swallow her large chalky Tibsovo pill with the first gulp of water! It was wonderful to see. This pill is her lifeline now for her leukemia. We are so thankful for your help in getting MEDCOAT. The doctors and nurses were also impressed with MEDCOAT.

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Mary F.

I wanted you to know that your Medcoat Pill Coating saved my life. At 67 years of age, I developed Cancer. I needed to take 3 large Cancer Chemo Pills in the morning and another 3 large pills in the evening. As a small child, I choked on a fish bone. Because of this,

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RN, ENT – MEDCOAT Customer

I take a gram of Sucralfate which is extremely hard to swallow; it starts to disintegrate as soon as you put it in your mouth. When I try to swallow it, it gets stuck and causes me to choke. I tried the MEDCOAT Pill Coating in Lemon Lime and it slid right down. I was so excited. NO MORE CHOKING!!

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MEDCOAT Customer

My 12-year-old daughter was hiding her medications because she didn’t like the taste of them. A friend told me about MEDCOAT and I requested a sample. We received the citrus flavor which my daughter liked. So before buying some I requested samples

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