Prioritizing Your Health in the New Year

senior couple

Prioritizing Your Health in the New Year

We all want to start the new year off right by leaving bad habits in the past and establishing new practices that will improve our overall health and well-being. However, before you start choosing the typical “exercise more” and “eat healthy” resolutions, get down to the roots of your health status FIRST. Learning what ailments or conditions you have can directly link to the challenges you are faced with and may help you better understand how to maneuver those struggles to find the results you are wanting.

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I’ve been diagnosed with Diabetes. Now what?

I’ve been diagnosed with Diabetes. Now what?

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month and whether you have been battling diabetes for some time or have recently been diagnosed, it is understandable to be overwhelmed with the health decisions you are faced with making. The first part of your new normal is to understand what diabetes is. Terms like A1C, gestational, Type 1, and Type 2 determine the severity of your diabetes diagnosis and what the proper treatment looks like.

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You’re always taking care of everyone else, but what about you?

self-care with medcoat

You’re always taking care of everyone else, but what about you?

Your day is busy from the moment you wake up until you go to bed. Whether you are a parent, caregiver, or just a considerate person who puts others before themselves, you may find yourself often sacrificing your own health and wellness.

There’s never a better time to start practicing self-care than now. Carve out time in your day to build and maintain healthy habits and you will not only see an improvement in your physical health but mental health as well.

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