A cancer diagnosis and a solution to help – my experience as a caretaker for my father
Sitting in the Oncologist’s office as they delivered the life-altering news of my father’s cancer diagnosis was an emotional moment. After the initial shock subsided, the list of next steps began running through my mind at such a fast pace I could barely think. As my father’s main caregiver, I am responsible for scheduling doctor’s visits, arranging chemo appointments, picking up prescription medications, planning nutritious meals, and removing the daily stressors that can negatively affect his health and wellness.
On top of that, my father gave me those worrying eyes when the oncologist reviewed the list of treatments and medications that are in his future. I knew immediately when he looked at me, his initial concern about the size of the chemo medication that he will now have to take regularly. My father has difficulties swallowing his prescription medications and this one would be no exception. It’s large, oblong, and chalky but it is vital to his recovery now that he has been diagnosed with leukemia. When I asked the doctor if there was anything smaller, he suggested we explore MEDCOAT and thankfully we did. I was able to find it at my local pharmacy and picked up a few packs to try. Right away, we noticed a difference. No pain, no struggling, and no gagging. This is one item I will consistently be putting in my shopping basket each time I head to the pharmacy.