2022 … Help Me Out! I Can’t Squeeze into My Pants and I’m Choking on My Weight Loss Supplements!
Let’s face it, the past couple of years have been hard and have led to a number of challenges. I don’t know about you, but my biggest challenge is getting rid of the weight I put on. I mean, what was there to do while being stuck at home … workout or sit in front of the TV and eat? I opted for sitting around and eating. And when things opened back up, I was so set in my routine of sitting around and eating, that I kept doing it. Not the smartest decision 🤦♀️.
Now I’m dealing with the consequences; nothing fits, and I get winded just walking down the block. It’s time for a change, so let the workouts and dieting commence! But it’s hard to get going and stay on this healthy routine. Why can’t change be simple?
To kickstart my get-healthy-and-fit plan, I went out and bought several supplements to help give me more energy and boost my metabolism. Unfortunately, it turns out these supplements are more like horse pills. Seriously, what human being is capable of swallowing these things? 💊 They are huge!
Several times a day I take these pills … all in the name of losing weight and getting healthy … but I choke and gag trying to swallow them and once I do swallow them, inevitably they get stuck and dissolve causing a burning in my throat and a terrible taste in my mouth. Ugh!
There must be an easier way to take these pills. I mean, isn’t 2022 the year for making life easier? I think it should be, and as it turns out, it may be true because there is an easier way to take supplements. I was recently introduced to a new product called MEDCOAT. It’s a coating that covers the pills and helps them slide down my throat. Not only that, but the coating has a great taste, so no more burning or terrible taste. This stuff is amazing! Now I can take those supplements with no issues … and no more excuses for not getting back into a healthy routine. Thanks, MEDCOAT!