This post was written by Mommy’s Block Party
Thursday, November 19, 2020
When I was growing up, a lot of things made me incredibly anxious. One of those things was having to take medicine- particularly pills. It was something that I had to do fairly regularly, as I dealt with horrible seasonal allergies, and animal allergies. I never had an easy time taking pills, and can even remember hiding from my mom when she would disappear to get medicine for me to take (under the bed, in the closet, etc.). I would have done just about anything not to have to take pills.
My mom (bless her) would go to extreme lengths to get me to take my medicines. I can even recall her crushing pills up and mixing them in with my food. I felt that I always had trouble swallowing pills- they just didn’t want to go down. Having to take pills always resulted in tears and frustration.

My ten-year-old, avoiding taking his daily allergy medicine… does this scene look familiar?
Now that I’m a mom, the medicine-taking struggle has come full circle. My ten-year-old son has always struggled when has come time to take medicines (both liquid and pill forms). My husband and I used to add his medicine in with a juice box or chocolate milk, just to get him to take the liquid stuff. Once he became older, he opted for taking pill form medications rather than liquids, but it’s been a rocky road for us on that front.
If you’ve ever experienced a having to give your child medication, particularly in pill form, you know how hard it can be to get them to swallow the medicine properly. Just about anything can cause the actual pill to become stuck, wind up under the tongue, start dissolving in the mouth (which tastes something awful), and even spit back out, without even getting the medicine down. My own son becomes very anxious when he needs to take his allergy pill each day, as he worries he won’t be able to properly swallow a small pill.
We’ve had days where we’ve gone through three or four rounds of pills before one eventually gets swallowed… a waste of the medication. After so many wasted pills, tears and tantrums, and frustrated moments between myself and my husband over what on earth to do, we were extremely happy to learn about MEDCOAT.

MEDCOAT is an amazing new pill coating, which is changing the way parents feel about giving their kids they medicines they need. Whether it’s a daily dose of medicine for allergies, headache medicine, etc., MEDCOAT makes it so much easier for kids to get those medicines down without a struggle.

MEDCOAT covers pills and capsules with a coating camouflaging the bad taste. It’s sugar, soy, and gluten free. The special coating applicator is easy to use and can work on any size shaped pill or capsule.
MEDCOAT is available in three flavors:StrawberryCitrusCola
MEDCOAT packages contain 10 applicators, which is enough to coat 20 pills. To coat the pill, simply peel back the foil, push the pill through to coat, twist to loosen, and then the pill is coated and ready to be taken. Take the pill with water right after coating.
There are full instructions with images, and also an instructional video on the MEDCOAT website. It’s incredibly easy to coat the pills. And yes, you can even coat half pills, which is amazing news, as we often have to half doses for our son (and I do this for my daily medication, as well!).

Taking daily allergy pills helps both of us be able to get outdoors and do the things we love!
It’s not just for kids!
Some of the worst pills I have ever had to choke down as an adult, were the prenatal vitamins I took while pregnant with both of my kiddos. They were gigantic horse pills, and so hard to swallow. I wish I’d had MEDCOAT back then to help me out. MEDCOAT is perfect for coating those large uncoated pills which even adults wind up having to take. MEDCOAT would have been fantastic for my grandmother, when she was taking daily medications while fighting cancer- she had the worst time swallowing. It’s even a great solution for my mom, who often suffers from a dry throat.
MEDCOAT Benefits
Coats uncoated pills, making them easier for kids and adults to swallow.
No more crushing pills! Helps patients take the correct dosage.
Allows doctors to prescribe pills, rather than awful-tasting liquid medications for their patients.
Contains only food ingredients, not known to interact with medications.

MEDCOAT helps our family stay cool, calm, and worry-free when it comes to taking medicines.
We’re no longer facing fears before bedtime, or working ourselves up over having to take medicines in the morning (before school and work). Without the worry (for kids and parents alike) over taking medicines correctly, we can get back to doing more important things- like spending time together!
Give MEDCOAT a try!
If you’d like to try MEDCOAT, you can request a MEDCOAT sample through their website.MEDCOAT is just $7.99/pack, and remember, each package contains 10 applicators for up to 20 coatings. Buy 3, get 1 free!
For more information about MEDCOAT, visit medcoatusa.com.Be sure to follow MEDCOAT on Facebook and Twitter.
What have been some of your family’s experiences with trying to get kids (or adults) to take hard to swallow pills? Do you think MEDCOAT would help? Drop us a comment & join the conversation.