Medicine Leaving a Bad Taste in Your Mouth? You are Not Alone … and a Pill Coating Can Help!
This is terrible … bitter, strong … how am I going to get this taste out of my mouth? Now it’s lingering, making my coffee taste awful. I can’t keep taking these pills if they are going to dissolve in my mouth!
It’s a sentiment felt by so many people, young and old alike. They are prescribed pills and take them, only to find the pills taste terrible and dissolve in their mouths.
“I take the most bitter pills I have ever experienced … so much so that I contacted the manufacturer to see if they could help. The extremely bitter taste would just linger in my mouth and it was hard to get rid of,” said Peggy O.
“My son started a new prescription medication, and the first pill he took dissolved in his mouth leaving a terrible taste and a kid refusing to take his medication,” said K.B. “I called my pharmacist and asked if this medication came with a coating or if there was anything on the market that I could use to coat the pills.”
Getting a coating to put on the pills that covers up the bad taste and keeps them from dissolving in people’s mouths seems like the perfect solution, but finding such a product was almost impossible, because until recently there wasn’t anything like it on the market.
Now there is a solution! It’s called MEDCOAT®. It’s a slick coating that covers up the bad taste of medicines, coming in three flavors – citrus, strawberry, or cola – and allows pills to slide smoothly down the throat.
“My 9-year-old daughter was prescribed a very awful tasting, yet direly necessary prescription. MEDCOAT was the answer. The strawberry coating completely covered the foul-tasting, easily dissolvable pill which meant she could calmly attempt to swallow it without tasting it,” said one parent.