I Want to Help My Baby, but I Gag and Almost Throw Up Every Time I Try to Take My Prenatal Vitamins
I’m pregnant! Can you believe it?!? I cannot begin to describe to you the feelings I had when I found out I was pregnant. Pure elation only touches the surface of my feelings of joy. Of course, those happy feelings were also coupled with fear, anxiety, and being overwhelmed; but even with those fears, nothing made me happier, and I found myself becoming very protective of my unborn baby.
I wanted to make sure I did everything in my power to ensure she would be healthy. I started eating all the right foods, doing my prenatal exercises and taking my prenatal vitamins … or at least trying to take my prenatal vitamins.
Prenatals are chock-full of essential vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy pregnancy – like calcium, iodine, folic acid, iron, omega-3 fatty acids and choline. But soon those essential prenatals became the “DREADED PRENATALS” in my house.
No matter how hard I tried, I gagged every time I tried to swallow them. Just the thought of trying to swallow them made me nauseated, and what pregnant woman wants to be even more nauseated? My prenatals were large and had a strong aftertaste. They were terrible!
I didn’t know what to do. I found my already hormonally emotional self, crying every morning trying to take these pills. I just wanted to do what was right for my child, but my body was fighting back.
Then one day, a miracle happened. I spoke with a friend of mine who had just given birth and she told me she had similar issues taking her prenatal vitamins until she found MEDCOAT®. It’s a pill covering that masks the bad taste of the pills and helps them slide down your throat smoothly so you don’t gag. I was ecstatic and purchased some packets. After the MEDCOAT arrived, I immediately put the vitamin through the applicator and took the pill. No crying, no gagging, no nausea. I couldn’t believe it! My “DREADED PRENATALS” were now my “WONDERFUL PRENATALS.”
I’m so thankful I was able to find MEDCOAT so that I could take the vitamins to help my daughter. I gave birth in October to a beautiful little girl who is spunky, intelligent and the light of my life.