Discover a Trick to Help You Stick to Your Vitamin and Supplement Routine
Health and fitness fans like me know that vitamins and supplements can make a huge difference in workout results and energy levels … but what if you hate swallowing pills?
Part of my daily routine before I hit the gym involves taking vitamins supplements that help me perform at my best during my workout and for the rest of my day. Unfortunately, most of these vitamins and supplements taste horrible!
I used to crush the vitamins into dust and mix them into my protein shakes. It was such a hassle to flatten the vitamins into powder and add them to my drink without accidentally dropping some of the pieces. It truly was a frustrating morning task, but then I discovered MEDCOAT® pill coating.
MEDCOAT® is a product I use to make my vitamins and pills taste better and go down easier. It’s so easy to use, too. All I have to do is apply the slippery, soft coating to the vitamin through the applicator. It makes large vitamins and supplements like fish oil, probiotics, and BCAA’s easier to swallow. Plus, MEDCOAT®‘s citrus, cola, and strawberry flavors taste great!
Aside from taste, I love the fact that MEDCOAT® is sugar, soy, and gluten free, which helps me ensure that I’m not consuming any added sugars that aren’t a part of my macronutrient goals.
Since discovering MEDCOAT®, taking vitamins and supplements has gotten so much easier, allowing me to be more consistent. It has made such a positive impact on my overall health.