I Never Thought I Would Have Trouble Swallowing Food or Pills and Then it Happened
Trouble swallowing? I don’t have any issues swallowing food, drinks, or pills. I don’t need to worry about this. Or so I thought. Little did a know that soon I would start having issues swallowing food and pills thanks to an enlarged thyroid.
It’s an issue I knew nothing about and really had never heard of. So, I started doing research. As it turns out, this issue has a name – Dysphagia – and there is an entire month dedicated to making people aware of dysphagia – June. I also had no idea how many people are impacted by dysphagia. According to the National Foundation of Swallowing Disorders, dysphagia affects almost 15 million adults in the United States alone. Wow … that is a lot of people dealing with pain, discomfort, coughing, or choking just from trying to swallow food or pills.
Once I realized my swallowing troubles were real, I started looking for help when it comes to taking my daily supplements. I thought it would be simple to find something to help me get these pills down, especially considering how many people have dysphagia. Turns out I was wrong. Surprisingly, there really wasn’t much help out there. And then I found MEDCOAT®.
MEDCOAT® is this slick coating that goes around the pills and helps them slide down my throat smoothly. Finally, something to keep those supplements from sticking in my throat and choking me! And an added bonus, it covers up the bad taste with its three flavors, cola, strawberry or citrus.
I am so grateful I found this product. I don’t know what I would have done without it. Now, I’m telling everyone about it, because who knows when you may start having trouble swallowing.